Our Clients
Our clients include charities, community interest companies, GP federations, CCGs, councils and private sector companies involved in the health and care sectors. For example....
Our community interest company clients are focused on child and adult community healthcare provision as well as health and wellbeing services, managing GP practices and closely collaborating with NHS Trust hospitals and local councils on the integration of services. Some are also looking to grow their group's structure and we have been advising on subsidiaries and joint ventures. Where we think it will make a positive difference on how they work both internally and with their stakeholders, we help them review their governance arrangements.
Our charity clients
are focused on services such as running community centres for the elderly, providing mental health and wellbeing services, or providing continuing professional development in child emergency care services. Some of the charities we work with are also dedicated to community development and supporting communication between local voluntary organisations.
Our health service bodies clients are busy managing their contractual portfolio and implementing governmental policies. Their relationship with providers is ever changing. They are liaising with their GP providers, including on how GPs can set up new structures like companies including community interest companies.
Our council clients are at the centre of the integration agenda, working closely with health service bodies, such as CCGs and voluntary organisations. Our work has included reviewing governance arrangements and contractual portfolios and ensuring that systems are working well and in conformity with regulatory and legislative requirements. Please see the following link for a collection of articles Chris did during his time working in collaboration with the Local Government Chronicle: C:\Users\chris\Documents\22.05.13 LGC Articles and Blogs (2).pdf